Its pity that many good books fail miserably, while some “not so great” books become best-sellers.Yet why do many (or most) great books fail to sell? It’s all about marketing.Book sales have increased steadily, but so have the number of books published. Even though book sales have increased, it is less likely that a published book will sell more than a few hundreds copies.On the other hand, some authors make millions with their books. Is that just good luck and a coincidence? Certainly not!As everything on Internet marketing, you must have 3 components:1) Product to sell2) Getting targeted traffic3) Converting that traffic into buyers.That’s it! The best part is: It is simple if you just learn all three parts.I studied hundreds of books and tried to discover why some books became best sellers while other good books failed miserably. What I discovered was a very clear pattern: some authors know how to advertise their books and make them “viral”. Making your book “viral” is really the secret.Thanks to the Internet (and Amazon!) things have changed. A one man company can make a viral book marketing campaign and reach thousands if not millions of people. However, you need to know what to do. Old marketing doesn’t work anymore.Unless you have a lot of spare time and energy, please don’t invest your time to do local book signing events, pursue your family members to buy your book, place an expensive ad to a magazine or try to get a book reviews to local papers. All these work — to some extent although they are really time consuming and out-dated strategies. Your (ROI) return on investment will be low.Few years back, my friend published a book and after few months she was frustrated. In two months she sold 170 copies. She knew that I was on Internet marketing and she called to me for help.I asked her if she did any marketing. She told me “yes”. I asked what she had done. She had done some traditional marketing stuff: She went to book events, printed business cards, approached local newspapers to get reviews written and so forth. She really had spent time and money to market!I thought that I may be able to help her. She took some of my advice and her book sales skyrocketed.So, what did she do after my advice?1) She changed her book name2) She discovered where her readers are on Internet3) She engaged her target audience4) She create viral content which reached thousands of peopleEverything that cost her no money and little effort. Pretty smart, right?Okay, let’s have a look at the first thing: Your book name. Why your book name is important?The Internet is basically a huge search engine. Therefore the first step what you must do is to choose your book’s name very carefully. This is where 95 % of authors fail.Just think about it, if you book name is “Blaah Blaah”, it doesn’t really matter how good your book is. Nobody will be interested by the name of you book and furthermore your book is undiscoverable on search engines (Amazon and Google).You need to do keyword research and choose your keywords (book name) so that it has demand. And what that “demand” means? It means that people use your book name on searches (on Google and Amazon).To choose right name for your book, is as much art as science. Get your book name right and you have done a big part of your book marketing already. You must use 3 criteria to choose your book name:1) You book name (keywords) must have enough monthly searches2) Your book name(keywords) can’t be too competitive3) You book name has to be monetizableImagine if your book name is “Funny Dog Pictures”. It has reasonable amount of searches, but would somebody really buy a book about funny dog pictures? Not really. People who type “Funny Dog Pictures” on search engines are probably just bored and are looking for a good laugh online.Hope that you have success with your book sales. And, you will, if you implement your marketing correctly.